Tubular Heating Element, Oven heating element, Heating Resistors
Tubular Heating Element, Oven heating element, Heating Resistors

Importance of the working voltage when use electric heating element Importance of the working voltage when use electric heating element

In the process of selling heating pipes, due to the lack of professionalism of the customers themselves, there are many technical parameters that are not known to be determined. Usually we need to give some suggestions based on the customer’s specific use environment and use temperature.
In fact, judging from the structure of the heating tube, the resistance value of the electric heating tube is fixed. A stainless steel heating tube is done, and the only thing that is fixed is the resistance value. The reason why we want customers to determine the rated voltage they use is to allow customers to reach their current rated power in the end. The relationship with power, voltage, and resistance can clearly see their close relationship. The specific relationship, we can see from the following formula: resistance = voltage * voltage / power, that is: power = voltage * voltage / resistance. Through these formulas, it can be known that a heating tube with a given resistance value will generate different powers when connected to different voltages. The rated voltage cannot be determined, and when the power is connected incorrectly, two phenomena will occur: ①The heat is too small (the power is reduced) ②The power is too high and the surface load of the heating tube is too high, so that it burns out.
Therefore, the customer must determine the final voltage to be connected to the heating tube.